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NHRD Program

Mathakondapalli Model School (CBSE & NIOS)

Mathakondapalli 635114
Collaboration with NHRD-Hosur Chapter
Background draft paper for justification and way forward

Reimagining and recreating K12 education at Mathakondapalli Model School (MMS)
collaborating with NHRD- Hosur chapter.

We often say that today’s students are tomorrow’s future. But many times, we do not think about how today’s students can have the bright future. We also do not research on which education can make our children skilled and worthy citizens of the country. In most schools and classrooms, it is observed that the students are mainly being assessed on lower-level thinking skills such as memorization and recall. Rote learning and acquiring marks are glorified forgetting the process of learning.

One of the challenges confronting MMS is to ensure that students are provided with opportunities to make informed choices about future careers and to acquire the capacity to transition into these careers. MMS needs to manage our curriculum, teacher capacity, timetables, and diversity of student populations by offering pathways that are seen as engaging and meaningful to life beyond schooling.

Traditionally, education in the senior secondary years has privileged those students who intend to progress to advanced studies at university or in other professional careers. In recent times, the need for more sophisticated technical knowledge in the industries and corporate are growing and the skills shortage in these fields are noticed. We, MMS must pay more attention to vocational education. Hence, we attempt to address this issue it through the establishment of school industry
partnerships. (NHRD- Hosur-MMS)

The National Education Policy 2020 proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects of education, including the educational structure, regulations, and governance, to create a new system which is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st century students. As per this the schools and higher education system shall have exposure to vocational education for its students by 2025. To achieve this, a clear road map is being developed by the government with target that are to be achieved.

From the British period various commissions like Wood’s Dispatch of 1854,Indian Education Commission (1882), In 1917, Sadler Commission, in 1937, Abbot and Wood, Mudaliar Commission (1952-53) and Kothari Commission (1964-66) pointed out that the existing system of education is largely unrelated to life. To secure proper development, education must be related to productivity and life skills. But unfortunately, not much has been achieved. Now the NEP 20 evasion to integrate vocational education into all school and higher education institutions in a phased manner over the next decade. Focus areas for vocational education will be chosen based on skills gap analysis and mapping of local opportunities. Ministry of Human Resource Development (renamed as Ministry of Education) will constitute a National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education(NCIVE),consisting of experts in vocational education and representatives from across Ministries, in collaboration with industry, to oversee this effort. (NEP Para 16.6) MMS as an early adopter must innovate to find models and practices that work and then share these with other institutions.

At MMS we want to go for reimagining and recreating the teaching, learning and assessment process as Project-based learning (PBL) to give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems they may face in the real world. By and large the teachers do not have much exposure on project-based learning. There is no opportunity whatever the children learn to apply. Neither at least they could see where the concepts are applied.

Hence, MMS wants to collaborate through NHRD-Hosur chapter with industries, corporates, and business houses to give both the teachers and the students to learn by doing or at the maximum to see where the concepts they learn are applied in production.

With this purpose in mind MMS would like to collaborate with NHRD- Hosur chapter with the following objectives.

1. NHRD-Hosur chapter and MMS partnership would offer authentic learning opportunities both for the teachers and students that can support the development of students’ interest in a skill-based learning.
2. Effects of out-of-school learning opportunities, such as visits to industry workspaces, museums, or science centres to foster development in science learning, the development of self-efficacy and to build a strong influence on student interest in science over time.
3. When Industry Professionals can speak to students about careers in industry, corporate and entrepreneurial sector, they can share personal stories as well as helpful resources that teach about the industry. This can help open the eyes of many young students who may or may not have heard of the different career paths in the above sectors.
4. In the school, students often think to themselves, “How will this play into my future?” By connecting real professionals with the students, it gives them a glimpse into the real world and may help guide their own goals for the future.
5. Not only do the students learn the importance of the industry, but they officially have a point of contact that they can reach out to in the future. Who knows, maybe the industry professional who spoke to their class could be their future.

NHRD-Hosur chapter’s social obligation

We hear a lot about employees looking for jobs and employers seeking qualified candidates. So how do we bring these two parties together? At the same time the Jobseekers struggle with finding that “perfect opportunity,” and many industries are in desperate need of employees. We have highly educated people unable to find jobs and major organizations unable to find qualified talent. Though there are many factors for this NHRD-Hosur chapter can try to enter the school sector to make a big

Industry partners can be more hands-on in education planning and action. MMS focusing on creating relevant quality education industries can focus more on to implement both technical and soft skills training to the teachers and build into their curriculum and give students access to more opportunities to learn by doing.

Secretary, MMS
14 June 2022